
20130921 松本カーフリーデー2014 CAR Free day 2014 in Matsumoto

The Matsumoto car-free day was performed today.

と言いつつ、実はすっかり忘れていて、午後あわてて出かけました ^^;
But,I forgot it completely.I became an afternoon, hurried and went there.

There, the beer festival was performed.
Since people are using the public transportation facility, they can drink beer.
I cannot drink beer today.The spectacle was enviable. 

In pedestrian paradise, the street performance was performed as the ordinary year.
However, people have approached one side.It is why? 

Oops,The bus has invaded into pedestrian paradise.

The guard's person sounded the handbell. And he told that a bus passed.
This way is called a transit mall.It can pass only through the specified public transportation facility here.
Therefore, when a bus does not pass, a pedestrian can walk freely.
This method is possible if it is the traffic of a local city like Matsumoto.
Since a bus passes whenever it is the center of Tokyo, I think that this method is impossible.

Evernote はあなたがすべてを記憶し、手間をかけずに整理できるようにお手伝いします。Evernote をダウンロードする

メールをEvernoteに転送する設定 How to forward e-mail to evernote.

It is convenient if you always forward e-mail to Evernote.
(Those who are using the free version can forward only mail of 50 per day. Therefore, I do not recommend you this method. )

基本的には、送受信メールを "Evernote 送信用メールアドレス"に転送すれば良いだけなので、難しい事ではありません。参考:http://blog.evernote.com/jp/2010/08/31/1010
It sets up to forward e-mail to Evernote address. It is very easy.

  1. 自分から送信したメールをEvernoteに。これは簡単です。メールの設定で全て、常にBcc:にエバーノートのアドレスが入るよう設定します。例えばBeckyだと、ここにアドレスを書いておけば送信するメールは常にevernoteに届きます。
    How to forward the mail to transmit to Evernote address. lease put Evernote address into the Bcc: column.
    For example, in Becky internet mail, please refer to the following figure.

  2. 受信メールをevernote宛にBcc:する設定を行います。これは、各メールサーバーによって方法が全く異なりますが、私(Siteserve)の場合、以下の様に設定します。サーバーに残すにチェックを入れないと、普段読んでいるメーラーでメールが読めなくなるので注意。
    Next, please perform the setup which forwards reception mail to Evernote address. This method changes with kinds of mail server which you are using.
    When you are SiteServe which I am using, please refer to the following figure. Please do not forget to turn ON the check of "leaving a server" for transmission mail.

Bloggerでプレビューできない。Cannot preview by Blogger.

I was very busy half a year. However, it is free after a long time today. 
I wrote the diary by Blogger.

2014/12/6 Update
A preview is displayed normality.
プレビューできない! いつまで経っても画面が出てこない!
A preview is impossible. Even if it passes for a long time, it is not displayed.

The page of the solution was found when I searched.

This author has said that it is because "http:" has changed to "https:".

I was not able to understand it.However, I removed "s" of the address bar in a tentative way.
Then, the preview screen was displayed normally.

This problem was solved for the time being.

環境はOSX 10.9.4 Firefoxは32.0.2です。
My environment is OSX 10.9.4 and Firefox 32.0.2.

複数のファイルをアクロバットリーダーで連続して表示するスクリプト How to see many PDF files continuously with Acrobat Reader.

I needed to look at much PDF continuously.
Then, I created the script on which a PDF file is displayed continuously.

If the ENTER key is pressed after choosing a PDF file, much PDF can be displayed at once.
However, a screen will be buried with a PDF file.

And it is difficult work to close the PDF file scattered in large numbers.
(The work clicks an upper right X mark, moving a mouse little by little.)

I created the following scripts and then performed.

# acro_all.sh "20140*.pdf"

This script opens a PDF file in order.
A click of an upper right X mark will display the next PDF file.

A PDF file is displayed on the same place in the always same size.

I made this script from bash-shell on the cygwin environment.
I expect that the same thing can be made also from DOS-batch-file.


#! /bin/bash for SFILE in $1 do         "/C/Program Files/Adobe/Reader 10.0/Reader/AcroRd32.exe" $SFILE     #pathは環境にあわせる。 done

アクロバットはVer10、cygwin は 1.7.17-1  の環境です。
The version of Acrobat Reader is 10.
And,The version of cygwin is 1.7.17-1